Identify the key sustainability themes and objectives in your subject area
Once you have a general understanding of sustainability, sustainable development and ESD, think about the key themes in your courses and how they might be linked with sustainability. All disciplines and subject areas can make a contribution to ESD in some way and benefit from infusing a sustainable development dimension. The RUCAS project has used a framework of themes, which can be a good source for your case. Go to the resources and retrieve the table that lists the various sustainable development themes, categorise them according to the four pillars (environment, economy, society and culture) of sustainable development presented in the first module and then comment whether or not is found in your courses and if not whether or not can be integrated.
After idendifying the key SD themes related to your discipline, start thinking over of the possible objectives that can be generated. You have to look what your subject can offer to sustainability and what sustainability can offer to your subject, what is special about your subject and how it can be used to further the goals and principles of a sustainable society. To begin, you have to look at the objectives for teaching your course. Reflect on your current objectives in the courses you want to revise and identify what is missing in light of the themes chosen and the definition of sustainability you have contextualised previously. Needless to argue that you have to get a deeper understanding of the sustainability themes you identified as suitable to your courses and discipline.
You can develop a matrix that displays the sustainability issues identified, what is included in your current objectives and what is missing. Then, reformulate your objectives to address the new sustainability themes that you identified suitable to your courses and discipline.