Module Overview
This module addresses 5 areas:
- Identify SD themes/objectives: What are the key themes in your teaching subject area and are they related to SD themes listed? How can you embed SD themes in your courses? What new objectives can you identify in relation to sustainability?
- Identify SD missing content: What gaps and what emphases are missing related to sustainability themes identified
- Matching objectives and content: How can you match objectives and content?
- Identify ESD-related strategies/methods: What are the new learning and teaching approaches conducive to sustainability education?
- Matching strategies and methods- How can you match conducive to sustainability teaching/learning strategies and methods?
Objectives/Expected Outcomes
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- Know the processes and practices of how to identify the key SD themes for your teaching subject area.
- Recognise that all disciplines and subject areas can make a contribution to SD.
- Reflect on your current objectives and know how to formulate objectives related to SD themes.
- Reflect on the content of your courses and teaching methods you use.
- Know the processes and practices in identifying what is missing in your courses related to sustainability.
- Compare the underpinning philosophies of various teaching learning strategies and methods.
- Defend the suitability of certain teaching/learning strategies to sustainability education.
- Recognise and discuss the 6 key ESD learning processes and relate them to the ExConTra learning paradigm.
- Correlate and discuss the key learning processes of the ExConTra learning paradigm with the teaching methods suitable to sustainability education.