Module Overview
This module addresses 5 areas:
- Engage stakeholders: What does a a multi-stakeholder approach mean?
- Focus the evaluation design: How can you set up a focus on evaluation design?
- Gather credible evidence: How can you ensure that the data gathered is credible?
- Justify conclusions: How can you draw meaningful conclusions?
- Share lessons learned: What is the importance of sharing the results achieved and by what means?
Objectives/Expected Outcomes
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the critical importance of a multi-stakeholder approach
- Recognise the proper emphasis on the evaluation design
- Explore the importance and processes of gathering credible data
- Know how to disseminate the lessons learned
Evaluating the impact of the revised courses contributes significantly to the continuous improvement and enhancement of the curriculum revision process as well as to the teaching and learning for sustainability. An impact evaluation reveals the extent to which any observed changes in outcome indicators is due to the program activities. There is a number of different ways in which the course impact evaluation can be implemented. The RUCAS project, for example, uses a framework based on four levels: 1) evaluating participated instructors reaction to the capacity-building workshops to reorient university curricula to address sustainability; 2) evaluating students’ learning change in attitudes, knowledge, skills, values; actions; 3) identifying and assessing instructors’ course content and teaching transformations; and 4) evaluating and projecting changes at institutional/organisational level. The key points and processes that need to be considered for an effective and fruitful evaluation are the following: